We had our 4th Birthday on Sunday 28th February and had our first Mini Farmers Market of the year to celebrate it. It was quite a small market to get started again in the current climate with stalls set up in and around the shop and buildings. It was popular though and Flour and Spoon’s bread and pastries were particularly fast in selling out! Thank you to everyone who came along.

Now that things are warming up, we will be having mini farmers markets here on Sundays every 4 weeks from 11.00am to 2.30pm, starting with a small one on the 2nd May. We will have some fine local producers of rare breed pork; bread pastries and other goodies; preserves and sauces. Also our own veg boxes and, of course, the freshest dairy produce that you can buy!

Now that the cows are out in the fields, we will be clearing the covered barn of the winter straw and will be having the summer markets in there giving us a bit more space for parking our visitors. All of the planned dates for these are on our Farmer’s Markets page.