Here are all the competition winners from Open farm Sunday “Colour and Name the Calf” and the “Wellie Throwing”.
We have chosen eight drawings and names for the eight heifer calves that are now in the barn.
SEBBY by Sebastian Barrow
DAISIE by Lily Adams
PATCHES by Luda (Lucia?) Giraldo
MARBLE by Indigo Lambourne
LUCA by Maelle
TOFFY by Fleur Jamieson
BELLA by Bella Coote
…and finally, the magnificently named CALF VADER! by Jax Lambourne. The Force is with this one!
Thank you to everyone who did a drawing. We will use some of the other names as more calves are born through the summer and keep you posted.
If anyone wants to keep their drawing, they can collect it from the Farm.
Bonnie Heather (child entry) at 66.3 feet
Calvin Purcell at a prodigious 119.5 feet
Well wanged !!
We will be in touch with all of the winners next week.